About me
My name is Pedro Ivan Lopez1. I’m a software engineer interested in social networks and large scale systems. I hold a Master’s degree in Information Engineering. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. [photo]
I work at Meta. My professional interests are software development, Haskell, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, social networks, large scale systems and Unix/Linux.
My personal interests are software/computers, rationality, shitposting, music, medicine, biotech, philanthropy, philosophy.
For other personal stuff, see the Frequently Asked Questions.
PGP public key | fingerprint: 7E7B 148F FA0F 101A 2506 D3AD C1FB 65BC 220B 9160
About the website
This site is created with Jekyll and hosted at GitHub Pages. You are encouraged to send general comments, broken links reports, corrections, and so on to m@pedroivanlopez.com . The ideas expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the opinion of my employer or any other organization.
This site has been active since november 2011 and is permanently under construction.
The source code is in this public GitHub repository.