Performance measurement

For quick performance measurements, use good old System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.

Writing to a text file/log is best.

On Windows, a simple option for logging the sampling of elapsed time is to write to the Event Log via System.Diagnostics.EventLog class.

At the top of the source code files define symbol PROFILE with directive #define. Then conditionally compile logging lines

private System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch Stopwatch =
    new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
SampleTime(() =>
  $"{Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}: {nameof(methodName)}");
SampleTime(() =>
  $"{Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}: {nameof(otherMethodName)}");

Where SampleTime writes to a log.

Compile in release mode, close applications and stop services that are not needed. Don’t attach debuggers to the processes that you are measuring.

Run the test and retrieve the log files and export to spreadsheet, where you will substract the current sample from the next to calculate the deltas. Then, calculate the percentages of the deltas with respect to the total execution time.

You can do any other kind of aggregation and analysis with the data once it is in the spreadsheet.