tech notes TODO
- vnc root permissions
- anki randomize new cards.
- instagram ffmpeg
- windows 10 command line notifications and event
- images to gif
- OneDrive file upload max size
- Unicode most used characters
vnc root permissions
xhost +si:localuser:root
anki randomize new cards.
search = is:new -is:suspended -tag:<excluded_tag>
select cards, Cards > Reposition.
- start position: 0
- step: 1
- randomize order: check
- shift position of existing cards: check
instagram ffmpeg
ffmpeg -i "${INFILE}" \
-filter_complex "loop=${loops}:32767:0,scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" \
-f mp4 \
-y \
-preset slow \
-pix_fmt yuv420p \
"${OUTFILE}" >/dev/null 2>&1
windows 10 command line notifications and event
Message is posted to Windows logs System, source Application Popup, level Information.
images to gif
keywords: png, jpg, image
If they’re just a handful, manually screen record to GIF with ShareX.
OneDrive file upload max size
OneDrive = 100 GB, OneDrive for Business = 15 GB (will be 100 GB sometime in 2020), source.
Unicode most used characters
- not an element of, ∉, ∉∉∉∉
- element of, ∈, ∈∈∈∈
- proportion, ∷, ∷∷∷∷
- if and only if, ⇔, ⇔⇔⇔⇔